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   WHO AM I   

When the 2016-2017 school year ended in Colorado, I took a hiatus from about 13 years of teaching to move to Massachusetts with my husband and son. At that point, I began my journey as a stay-at-home mom to our two-year-old. In February of 2018, we welcomed our daughter to the family. (I am still learning to embrace the chaos and soak up all of the wonder that is life with my little brood of two.)


In January of 2018, I participated in #my500words (those posts are labeled and available on this blog), a challenge created by Jeff Goins to get people writing. Writing every day unlocked a piece of me I'd been missing since I quit teaching. But after I had my daughter, it was really hard for me to commit to daily writing. I'm still not in a place where I can write daily. However, this blog is a space where I will post the pieces I do write.


While much of my writing centers around motherhood and parenting, I also enjoy writing about pop culture, and I have plans to explore some posts that may shed some light on literary figures and their contributions to the literary world  (mostly because I had a few years where I was a lazy student, and I want to go back and learn and do better for round two . . . what I learned about Robert Frost and "Dust of Snow" coming soon).


Thank you for reading my writing. I don't have everything figured out (not by a long shot), and I will write pieces you may disagree with (heck, I'll probably write pieces that I will disagree with), but I hope you are able to read and see you aren't alone, it's okay to laugh at ourselves (and our kids), and there is always hope.



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